The Active Storm Season Ahead Requires Adaptive Stormwater Management

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Clean When You Come Home Imagine coming home to a space that was clean, tidy, and organized. That sounds nice, right? Now, imagine if you did not have to do the work to make the home clean and tidy. That sounds even better! Hiring a cleaning service is not just for the rich and well-off. It is something you deserve to do, and it's more affordable than you might think. Cleaning services can take a huge burden off your shoulders by making sure your space stays perfectly clean and tidy. We share more information about cleaning services on this blog, so we hope you read and enjoy our content.



Batten down the hatches. On the East Coast, meteorologists report a more active than normal hurricane season has begun. More cyclones will also be churning overhead. As homeowners prepare for another season of powerful storms, water quality is of foremost concern. 

You can do your part to protect the community's water supply by efficiently managing your stormwater runoff.

Reduce Pollutant Stormwater Flow 

Following the more active storm season, properties naturally have more storm runoff than normal. What lawns and gardens do not soak up runs down polluted surfaces. If this stormwater is not disposed of, it can have many damaging effects.

  • Excess stormwater flowing over surfaces picks up more pollutants in its pathway resulting in an increase in the amount of polluted runoff. This polluted water flows into waterways.
  • Increasingly, stormwater is flooding homes, businesses, and septic systems.

Some homeowners mistakenly consider stormwater a city problem. As more rainstorms saturate land, the excess stormwater and rain is overflowing municipal stormwater pipe capacity. But these overflows often flow right back at you, onto your property, and potentially into your home. Stormwater and sewage system overflows are at the heart of numerous lawsuits against cities nationwide.

As a property owner, you can reduce the amount of stormwater and pollutant runoffs

Dispose of Excess Stormwater 

Controlling stormwater runoff starts with the property owner. Given the higher than normal precipitation, stormwater transportation is one way to prevent flooding and environmental damage. By June, three storms had already made record early U.S. landfall. During hurricane season, meteorologists expect the number of storms to increase 61 percent to 13, and the number of serious storms to double to four. Homeowners who delay stormwater disposal face a higher risk of flooding.

Reduce Stormwater Pollutants 

When stormwater is not disposed of, it runs down driveways, sidewalks, and roads. In its path, it picks up pollutants from fertilizers, fuel, and pet waste.  This pollutant runoff enters the soil, fish habitats, streams, and rivers. Sediment clogs water filtration systems. 

You can keep the municipal stormwater system clean of these pollutants by:

  • Using environmentally friendly fertilizers and paints.
  • Containing and immediately repairing fuel and oil leaks from vehicles.
  • Washing windows and vehicles with non-toxic and biodegradable detergents. 
  • Using your pooper scooper to clean up after your pets.
  • ​Avoiding pouring chemicals down the toilet or sink. Septic tank leakage or overflowing will drain these chemicals into your soil and the local water system.

The risks of surface water entering a home or business are rising. Overflows are more likely to happen under the current storm conditions when a large volume of rain falls under a short time period. By controlling stormwater runoff on your property, each property owner can contribute to an environmentally safer community. 

For more information on stormwater disposal, reach out to a company that offers stormwater transportation services.

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