What You Need To Know About A Spring Deep-Clean And A Professional Carpet Cleaning Service

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Clean When You Come Home Imagine coming home to a space that was clean, tidy, and organized. That sounds nice, right? Now, imagine if you did not have to do the work to make the home clean and tidy. That sounds even better! Hiring a cleaning service is not just for the rich and well-off. It is something you deserve to do, and it's more affordable than you might think. Cleaning services can take a huge burden off your shoulders by making sure your space stays perfectly clean and tidy. We share more information about cleaning services on this blog, so we hope you read and enjoy our content.



How can you incorporate a carpet cleaning service into your overall spring cleaning routine? If you're ready to deep-clean the rest of your home, take a look at what you need to know about hiring a professional for your flooring needs.

Should You Hire a Carpet Service Before or After Cleaning the Rest of Your Home?

There's no universal answer to this question. Whether you have your carpets professionally cleaned before or after you wash the walls, dust ceiling fans or lighting fixtures, and de-clutter your home depends on the following:

Other items in the room

Will you remove (either temporarily or permanently) furniture from the room as you deep clean? If you plan to take items out of the area, schedule the professional service while the room is completely empty.

Ceiling cleaning tasks

Will you clean your ceiling fans or lighting fixtures? If you hire a professional to deep-clean the carpets and then dust the ceiling fan's blades, you'll spray debris on the floor. Instead, clean anything on the ceiling and then move down to the carpets.

Your timeframe

Do you have a tight spring cleaning schedule? You may need to coordinate the carpet service with other deep-cleaning activities. This may mean the carpet cleaner comes before you get a chance to scrub the walls or de-clutter your bookshelf.

Now that you know when to schedule the service, it's time to take the next step and decide on who will help to spring-clean your home.

How Should You Hire a Carpet Cleaner?

Are you a new homeowner? If you've never hired a professional carpet cleaning service, ask these questions before you choose a contractor to spring-clean your flooring:

What methods do you use?

Ask the contractor what types of carpet services they offer. Do they provide green cleaning, spot removal, pet stain/odor reduction, or other specialty services? Choose the options that meet your spring cleaning needs.

How long will the service take?

You need to coordinate the carpet service with the rest of your spring cleaning activities. Discuss the length of the service appointment as well as dry times.

Do you have references?

Along with questions specific to your spring cleaning job, talk to the would-be contractor about their track record. A quality cleaning company should provide references from past or current customers.

Along with these questions, ask the contractor about their expertise and experience. They should have extensive experience in the flooring field and knowledge of the most up-to-date cleaning techniques.

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